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A plan for industrial and commercial land

Ensuring well priced industrial and commercial land is available in the right locations helps to drive investment and provide jobs for our growing population.

The Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan (2020) builds on policies and actions from the metropolitan planning strategy, Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 and its 5 year implementation plan.

The plan assesses current and future needs for industrial and commercial land across metropolitan Melbourne, putting in place a planning framework to support state and local government to more effectively plan for future employment and industry needs.

State and local government actions

The plan outlines implementation actions for state and local government to better plan for and protect employment land. These include:

  • a future review of employment zones
  • stronger planning policy and guidance
  • a more sophisticated methodology to assess supply and demand for industrial land
  • the development of local industrial land use strategies.

The plan and state planning policy

Planning scheme amendment VC215, gazetted in March 2023, gives stronger effect to the Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan in the Victoria Planning Provisions, providing clarity and certainty around how significant industrial and commercial precincts are planned, and ensuring that they can operate efficiently and remain viable.

The amendment:

  • introduces the Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan as a state policy document
  • inserts new state planning policy that aims to preserve locally significant industrial land for industrial or employment generating uses
  • inserts new regional planning policy for metropolitan Melbourne to:
    • protect industrial land of regional significance
    • facilitate continual growth in freight, logistics and manufacturing investment
    • support the transition from manufacturing land uses to other employment uses in strategically identified areas.
  • introduces subregional level planning policy that identifies strategies to protect employment land supply and jobs across metro Melbourne – reflecting the policies and strategies outlined in the plan.

Planning for enterprise precincts

Unlocking Enterprise in a Changing Economy (2018) is the Victorian Government’s policy to understand and support enterprise precincts as hubs for the emerging economy increasingly characterised by start-ups, entrepreneurs, creative industries, co-working spaces, and small-scale manufacturers. The Commercial 3 Zone has been developed to support this framework and can be applied to help facilitate business growth and innovation in select parts of Victoria.


Spatial data that has been developed for the Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan (MICLUP) is now available.

Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan – Industrial Aug 2020

Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan Commercial – Existing

Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan Commercial – Future

Page last updated: 01/04/24


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